

Domino's Remote Office

A Human Resource Management platform specifically designed for the pizza franchising industry, aimed at streamlining the process of employee management and document organization for pizza franchises.

  • Company
  • Location
    Cooper City, FL
  • Industry
    Accounting | Franchise
  • Project Type
    HR Platform
  • Website URL
For Domino's Owners, By Domino's Owners.

DSCPA is a full-service back-office accounting solutions provider for Pizza franchisees. Working with many businesses in the Pizza Franchise such as Dominos Pizza, DSCPA has found many common familiarities in business operations amongst pizza franchisees. This opened up a great opportunity for them to create an HR platform for Pizza Franches to help manage and operate their business.

All Employees, All The Time

There are three types of users HR Admin, HR Reps, and DSCPA Accountants. All three users have access to the Employee's page. With the ability to search, filter, and find any employee. They also can add any newly hired employees.

HR Administration

The main feature of the HR platform is the ability of the HR Department's leader/administrator to manage their employees and their company's different store locations. Every HR representative's actions are recorded on the portal, allowing transparency on which HR representative edited an employee's data and at which time.

Digital File Cabinet

Keeping track of a company's paperwork is a task within itself. The portal allows a franchise to upload documents safely and securely.

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